Meanwhile, the shooting of Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo has been officially wrapped up with the completion of Butta Bomma song. The romantic number was shot in a specially erected set at Annapurna Studios. The leading lady of the film, Pooja Hegde took to social media and shared a BTS moment from the song which features both herself and Allu Arjun shaking their leg in a beautiful backdrop.
Here’s a special sneak peak of #buttabomma for you’ll…shhhh…don’t tell anyone #alavaikunthapurramuloo #topsecret @alluarjun #Trivikram @MusicThaman @ArmaanMalik22 @haarikahassine @GeethaArts #PSVinod
— Pooja Hegde (@hegdepooja) December 29, 2019
The story of the film revolves around a luxury bungalow named Vaikunthapurram and Allu Arjun happens to play a streetwise guy who falls in love with the girl (Pooja Hegde) hailing from that very affluent household. Besides the lead pair, the Trivikram Srinivas directorial features several noted actors like Tabu, Sushanth, Navdeep, Jayaram, Sathyaraj, Rajendra Prasad, Vennela Kishore, Brahmaji and Sunil. Slated for a release on Jan 12, 2020, Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo will be clashing with Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru with a one-day gap.